High Frequency Work
It was the end of Q2 when I started to notice I was working harder than ever and netting less than ever. The ugliest quarterly profit/loss statement since starting my entrepreneurial journey 14 years earlier hit my desk. I didn’t...
Why You Should Start a Mastermind Group.
Three months ago, a good friend passed on a 44 page eBook about “Mastermind Groups.” On the surface, it explains a mastermind group as 12 (or less) people meeting once a week, reading books, and sharing life together. However, the...
Work/Life balance isn’t about balance.
(and other things Chronobiology teaches us about life) Let’s face it, work/life balance is elusive. And to apprehend it isn’t as easy as putting the different pieces of your life on a scale and trimming where necessary. That’s because work/life...
Do nothing & be more productive.
What religion teaches us about doing and creating more. Routinely do nothing. Thats what religion teaches us about productivity. The truth is that the concept of a Sabbath isn’t just a religious act. It happens to be a practical and...
Work isn’t worth it.
A case for caring more about relationships than career. “That John Denver is full of (it).” | Lloyd, Dumb & Dumber I’m a recovering workaholic. When I say workaholic, I don’t necessarily mean the kind that works 100 hr weeks....
How to Start a Mastermind Group.
A few weeks ago I published an article about “Why I Think You Should Start a Mastermind Group,” opening a conversation with several readers on the topic. Most of the feedback I received was along the lines of, “I’m convinced....
Success isn’t about what you do.
A guest post from Jeff Goins. Jeff is one of my favorite hangs. He’s a progressive thinker and even better communicator—always promising an enlightening conversation. Jeff recently put together a resource that I was thrilled to contribute to—and am just as thrilled...
How to start writing your book.
How to spend the first forty hours of writing a book to accelerate research, gain confidence, and create momentum. Since releasing a book six months ago, even the thought of writing is exhausting. (Tip #1 for writing a book: don’t...
10 things I learned from a Billboard-Top-100 songwriter about living creatively inspired.
In the last 7 days, I’ve had to put the final touches on my first book, create a business plan from scratch, and write a total of 12 articles for clients. I’d say 20% of it was good. The rest...