Experiments & ideas about entrepreneurship & life at work.

13 Articles

The uncommon art of inspiring inspiration.

How to find your creative flow in art or business. I write only when inspiration strikes. Fortunately it strikes every morning at nine o’clock sharp. ― W. Somerset Maugham For some people, creativity comes as natural as waking up in the morning....

3 Things to Remember When Stuff Hits the Fan.

Yes, it’s been one of those weeks. You know the kind when everything that could go wrong goes wrong? You overshoot your companies budget due to unpaid bills that your accountant forgot to mention. An investor pulls out of one...

How to Become a Jack of All Trades, Master of Many.

{A Lifestyle Experiment for Future Entrepreneurs} Many people dream of being an entrepreneur. And why wouldn’t you? Yes, it may require more arduous hours and weighty responsibility than most jobs, but entrepreneurship offers the opportunity to design your lifestyle and when...

Why Everyone Should Become An Entrepreneur.

I don’t believe that everyone should start a business. However, I do believe everyone should become an entrepreneur, just like Jimmy John Shark. ‘Entrepreneur’ is not a job title. It’s the state of mind of people who want to alter...

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