4 Articles

Busy isn’t respectable anymore.

“The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, you’re still a rat.” | Lily Tomlin Being busy used to make me feel important. It made me feel like the world needed me, like somehow I...

Do You Feel Stuck? Try this.

Do you feel stuck professionally, financially, emotionally, morally? Maybe it’s not about the way you feel. It may be that you’re working harder than ever, yet making less. Or maybe it’s an addiction to pornography or not eating or over working. Maybe you’ve...

3 Things to Remember When Stuff Hits the Fan.

Yes, it’s been one of those weeks. You know the kind when everything that could go wrong goes wrong? You overshoot your companies budget due to unpaid bills that your accountant forgot to mention. An investor pulls out of one...

Can generosity pay the bills?

I understand how unappealing it can be to financially give. Most days, the anxiety-free lifestyle that a healthy savings account provides can be far more enticing than writing a check for a child’s education in Myanmar. However, could there be...

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